Welcome to RDMO

the Max Weber Foundation's central platform for data management

RDMO (Research Data Management Organizer) is a tool that supports you in the structured planning of your data management and the creation of data management plans and text modules for your funding application. Through a structured interview in the form of a suitable questionnaire, the following are thereby

  • considers all important aspects of data management (such as responsibilities, data description, archiving and publication),
  • put collaborative data management on a common basis for agreements,
  • enables the output of a data management plan or individual text modules for your funding application,
  • versioned data management plans for your funding body (e.g. for EU Horizon 2020 projects) via snapshot function.

Initial registration of research projects

RDMO is also used for the initial recording of projects that are transferred in this context to the RDM workflow of the MWS, which includes an advisory service regarding IT infrastructure, software and data formats as well as data publication (repository, metadata, licences).

The input mask of the questionnaire "MWS Projects - Initial Entry" also contains all fields required for the MWS project database, which are transferred to it via a corresponding export function. Detailed information can be found in our detailed instructions for project entry.

Metadata for your research data publication

For the publication of data sets previously documented in RDMO, another questionnaire is available ("MWS Publication - DataCite"), which covers the minimum requirements of the DataCite schema. A corresponding export function enables easy connection to relevant repositories, e.g. perspectivia.net, which are based on this metadata schema.

In this way, information about the one-time, central input in RDMO can be reused in different contexts.